
Hi everyone and welcome to Bristol Grandparents Support Group blog. Although we are Bristol based we have grandparents from all over the UK and beyond as members.

It is estimated that over one million children in the UK are denied contact with their grandparents due to family breakdown which may have been caused by divorce/separation, alcohol/drug dependency,domestic violence,bereavement or family feud.
Every child has the right to have contact with their grandparents
if they wish and unless proven unsafe for them to do so. To deny contact from a parent or grandparent has to become as socially unacceptable as drink driving.
I hope to keep you up to date with what is going on in BGSG and I shall continue to campaign for the rights of children to have a loving and meaningful relationship with both parents and their extended family. So please join in as good to hear your views, not just mine!
I also will support via Skype.
There is no membership fee to be part of Bristol Grandparents Support Group.
Esther Rantzen says, " To every grandparent, links of love can never be broken in our hearts."

Please contact during office hours.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Children Lied To By Adults, Will Never Forgive.

I have written before about how children feel let down by the adults around them  who practise Parental Alienation and that when they realise that, they turn away from that adult.
I know from my own personal experience what it is like when, an adult who you love and thought was there to protect you, betrays you.
You never get over that betrayal.
My father was a very successful business man and was held in high regard within our city and beyond.
We had a comfortable home, a typical family.
My father always worked long hours even working on Sundays, these were the days prior to Sunday opening!
He was very overprotective with me, and I had to be home at certain times and if not he would be pacing the road looking for me,
When I was 15, after 35years of married life, he said to Mum that he was leaving us!
To say we were shocked doesn't begin to cover it.
There had never been any warning signs at all, nothing.
He told my brother and me that he no longer wanted to be part of our lives, or have anything to do with us.
As a 15year old, of course I thought it was my fault and blamed myself.
He had been leading a completely double life, had a flat etc, and was living with someone 30 yrs younger than himself.
All those years, were a lie. He was a lie. The adult I looked up to was a lie.
I had no contact with him for 15 years, when my Mum died, and we had a sort of relationship, but he did it again. Suddenly with no warning, stopped contact.
Lied to again.
When he died, I went to his funeral and it was as though we had never existed , as though my brother and myself had been totally air-brushed from his life.
I still live with that feeling of emptiness,disappointment but above all, I despise the fact that an adult in my life lied to me.
So if you are a parent who is lying and badmouthing a non resident parent or grandparent, with Parental Alienation, take heed.
Your children will never, forgive you.

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